Sixty educators from around the Greater Cincinnati region gathered to create their own personal learning agendas and networking conversations. West Clermont participants included Julie Schneider, Tammy Marcotte, Cheryl Koehler, Kathy Stemmer, Joan Stear, Jeff Riel, Kendra Herdtner, LeAnna Webber, Joe Stahl, Alicia Walls, Scott Morgan, Matt White, Cheryl Turner and M.E. Steele-Pierce. Ask them about the day!
At last Friday's kick off of Powerful Learning Practice, Will Richardson asked the 75 educators in the room, "How do you learn?" He challenged us that no conversation about educational reform can begin unless the focus is on LEARNING. He challenged us to consider our own learning systems and styles.
This morning I ran across this Prezi with commentary by Dallas McPheeters, entitled, "A 5000 Year Timeline of Learning Theories" (don't worry, it's 5000 years in 13 minutes). It begins and ends with the question, "How do you learn?"
One other thing, you'll find this Prezi and many, many other resources, videos, topics, and conversations on The Educator's PLN. It's a wonderful site for those of you building your own personal learning network. If you haven't toured it yet, please do. I invite you to join the conversation, or just lurk and learn for a while.
PS And thank you to Tom Whitby, a member of my PLN, for posting the tweet that led me to the video.
We are K-12 professionals passionate about learning together to teach students to thrive in the 21st Century. We form the Department of Teaching & Learning for West Clermont Schools, Cincinnati, OH. M.E. Steele-Pierce, PhD, is assistant superintendent for teaching & learning. Her areas of expertise are adult learning, implementation of school improvement plans, and instructional leadership. Cheryl Turner, MEd, is supervisor of instructional programs for K-5, ESL, and Title I. Her areas of expertise are early literacy, reading development, and brain-based learning. Tanny McGregor, MEd, is supervisor of instructional programs for 6-12 plus G/T, art and music. A national keynoter, she is author of Comprehension Connections (Heinemann 2007).